BPI SEAL Starting your Business: Small Steps, Big Impact
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The BPI Foundation, Inc. and Bayan Academy would like to invite you to the second webinar of BPI SEAL-SEGA this year. In partnership with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), we invite you to attend the online webinar of the BPI SEAL Starting your Business: Small Steps, Big Impact on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, from 2:00 - 3:30 PM via Zoom and Bayan Academy Facebook Live.
“Starting your Business: Small Steps, Big Impact” webinar hopes to introduce the governing agency for microenterprises, the DTI. Touching on topics such as DTI services and legal assistance they can provide to support the startup enterprises. The DTI speaker can also introduce the course of actions that startup owners must go through to grow their businesses such as - processes and benefits of DTI Registrations and the BMBE.
This activity is part of BPI SEAL 2024 presented by BPI Foundation in partnership with Bayan Academy.
Learn more about the project here: https://www.bpisealsega.com.ph/
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